Clean Your Photography Kit

It is worth it.

4 min readSep 21, 2021
Photo of a cathedral’s tower, with three dust particles from the camera’s sensor.
Dust on the camera’s sensor. Photo by author.

“This is just perfect! The light shining on the roof tiles is amazing. Would be nice if there were a few clouds, but it is ok without. It makes everything calmer, serene.”

After taking the photo, I insert the card into the reader and look at the image. Sure enough, three dots, dark and ominous, greet me from what should be a pristine blue sky. “Why?” — the obvious question for everything that happens on Earth starts to dance around my head. But it is not alone. “Where do they come from?” and “How did they get there?” join in, each demanding attention.

Yes, I could clean them while editing the image, but it would have been better for them not to be there in the first place.

How did they get there?

— Earlier that week —

I was changing lenses, and a strand of hair got in between the lens and the mirror. When I looked through the eyepiece, a dark line went from one side to the other. At first, I did not know what it was, gazing through the viewfinder. I checked the lens then I checked the interior of the camera. Sure enough, a strand of hair was resting on my DSLR’s mirror. Blowing on it did not dislodge it from its position, so I took a piece of cloth and started to clean the mirror.




Europe. Photography. Fiction. Anything in between. Follow your curiosity.