Product Landing Page — Part 1.5

2 min readJul 1, 2022


Keep your ideas short and simple

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

So, you’ve started working on your project. You saw the technical requirements and began writing down ideas about what your subject might be. And if you’re like me, that list was long.

There are so many categories and niches out there that deserve to be explored, and as a curious mind, you want to research, but you must tackle only one for this project. How do you choose?

There are dedicated spaces for graffiti artists in the town where I am at the moment. They are conveniently placed along the pedestrian underpass, and sometimes the display changes weekly. There was a more elaborate quote on one of these walls, and it ended in “follow your soul,” which seemed to be good advice at that moment.

I was juggling between ideas for my landing page project, and the topic just jumped front and center, frantically waving and shouting my name. And because writing about what you love is easier than going through the whole research phase of a new idea, I “followed my soul.” Well, my gut really, but soul sounds more poetic.

Sometimes, the will to impress others might cloud your judgment, and it could make you overcomplicate things.

Keeping it short and simple is good advice for starting; after that, you can improve and experiment to your heart’s desire.

Also, do you like tomatoes? 🍅

If you would like to read the first installment of this Product Landing Page journey, you can do so here.




Europe. Photography. Fiction. Anything in between. Follow your curiosity.